How To Reference More Than One Source Harvard

How To Reference More Than One Source Harvard

If you cite in the second it is not clear from where the information in the first originates. A similar problem occurs if you cite an entire paragraph by adding a reference at the end of a paragraph ass '(Xxxx, 2013)' (I am fully aware that this is the norm in some fields). Citing the same reference in two sentences is clearly wrong. A Harvard reference list must: Be on a separate sheet at the end of the document Be organised alphabetically by author, unless there is no author then it is ordered by the source title, excluding articles such as a, an or the.

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How To Reference More Than One Source Harvard Square

Welcome to the amazing world of citations and references. If you've never had to reference before you might not be aware of the complexities involved. If you've tried referencing, you're probably used to encountering situations that leave you wondering “how do I reference a source that has no date?”, or perhaps “I have two different sources written by authors with the family name Smith, how do I cite them, so it's obvious which source is which?”, or even, “How do I reference a TV programme?”.Referencing can be complicated and confusing, but fear not, we have compiled a list of 30 referencing frequently asked questions (FAQs) although some of them are not asked that frequently! You can use this list to get answers to all your referencing questions - bet you'll find answers to questions you didn't know even know you had.Many of the FAQs deal with the Harvard referencing system (or author-date system), and if you need to use a different referencing style, you should ask your tutor or librarian for a style guide and advice on using this system. However, many of the answers to these FAQs concern good referencing technique, and this is the same whatever style you use. If you include a short in-text quotation, you should use quotation marks:Latest research shows that sea bird colonies “are on the edge of the abyss” (Gull 2001).Longer quotations should be separated from the body of the text so they stand out.

You should use your own words to introduce the quotation:The sea bird colonies of the British Isles are also suffering the effects of climate change:Sea bird colonies in Scotland, South Wales and parts of England are in terminal decline. It would be no exaggeration to say that our sea bird cities are on the edge of the abyss and we are running out of options to save them. If there's no author given for a source, see if you can find the organisation responsible for producing the source; for example,Department of Health 1998would be a suitable reference for a government report.Greenpeace 2003would be a suitable reference for an un-authored report or document you read on the Greenpeace website.If you can't find an organisation or sponsor for the source, use the title as the name:In a recent report on declining sea bird populations (When the Cliffs are Silent 2001). If you need to reference an author who appears in the work of another author, you should reference both authors:Smith (Jones 2008) reports that.,or you could write,Smith (cited in Jones 2008) reports that.Or even,In his 1999 study, Smith (quoted in Jones 2008) found that.You would only include the source you had accessed (in this case, Jones 2008) in your reference list. If you haven't read the original Smith study, you can't put it in the list of references.

At postgraduate level, it's advisable, if possible, to read all your sources, so you shouldn't need secondary references. If your source has up to three authors, you should include all the names:Jones & Smith 1998; Jones, Smith & Brown 2004.If there are more than three authors, in your citation you should use the first authors name followed by et al.(an abbreviation of the Latin phrase et alia, which means 'and others'), so.Busby, Rushmore, Stone, Lettuce and Greggwould become.Busby et al.However, you should include the names of all the authors in the reference you include in your list of references or bibliography. How you reference material from the internet depends on what it is you're referencing: journals, books and websites, for example, will all require a different style of reference. However, there are some basics you should be aware of when referencing internet sources:. Give your readers all the information they'll need to find the source for themselves. If the address (URL) is very long, just include enough of the address to allow your readers to find the site.

How To Reference More Than One Source Harvard

If the document is more than one page long, or is a series of linked pages, give the address of the first page, or the contents page if there is one. Give the date that you accessed the information, as information on the internet can change quickly.

Jun 05, 2018  (A third form of clipping, called limited clipping should also be mentioned. This is not an unintentional result of signal overload though. This is a more controlled process where the loud signal is very briefly reduced to avoid clipping. Gradient value clipping involves clipping the derivatives of the loss function to have a given value if a gradient value is less than a negative threshold or more than the positive threshold. For example, we could specify a norm of 0.5, meaning that if a gradient value was less than -0.5, it is set to -0.5 and if it is more than 0.5, then it will be set to 0.5. Avoid clipping in your final mix. So you've created an absolutely banging tune and it is time to give it a final polish making it ready for mastering. But, the little clipping indicator has been lighting up while your song plays, perhaps so much so the sound of your mix sounds rough and undesirably ugly. If you are experiencing clipping distortion with your current amp, you may need to buy a larger power amplifier or live with lower volume levels. But be sure the amplifier gain is properly adjusted before rushing to buy another amp. Proper gain setting is important to avoid clipping. How to Prevent Audio Clipping? The best way to do so is to understand the limits of your microphone. If a microphone says it can record signals up to 120 db (for example), then don’t record over that. You don’t have to have a loud sound to clip a microphone. Try this: Cup your microphone with your hands. Get up to the mic real close and speak. How to avoid clipping